Hello girls!
As many times I've told you on Facebook there are very smart people who are copying my posts until now I've been saying that if someone gave by alluded and stopped doing it but because they are so smart (irony on) they have not done so, therefore starting today I will aim at all the copiotas and I will make a ready for you to know if you have copionas just have to tell me and add them to the list.
I understand that when you talk about the same product there is things that are the same, but do not copy the photos and say the same words because each one has a way of writing.
Today already I'm tired and to see what I'm saying I'm going to compare my post of lila cosmetic that I wrote in August http://truquitosparalaschicas.blogspot.com.es/2013/08/lila -cosmetics.html with which they have just published here: http://descubriendonuevossabores.b logspot.com.es/2013/10/lila-cosmetics.html
My image (the box was bulging and when I saw it I said too much chance I look for it and if it was mine)
His (I say mine)
My text:
Your text:
My text:
My text on your blog:
My text:
My Question:
I'm tired of being copied if you have a blog that is supposed to tell something, your experiences ... to tell mine is already mine. This is an example but I have had many more I do not know what part they do not understand about this:
You can not take ANYTHING FROM MY BLOG, and whoever wants something is as easy as asking me that I always give it but it He says. What do you think of the bloggers who copy ?